Thursday, February 6, 2025

A guide to Doctor Who episodes on YouTube

The following is a list of Doctor Who stories that are available to watch in their entirety on the official Doctor Who Classic YouTube channel(We know that it's an official channel because a few of the same stories were also uploaded to the main Doctor Who channel later, using the same title wording. The videos also have a BBC icon in the corner, presumably to act as a watermark preventing unauthorized copying for resale.)

     Doctor Who is a British science fiction TV series that aired from 1963 to 1989 (this era is usually referred to as "classic Doctor Who").  After a TV special in 1996, the series was revived in 2005 and has been on the air ever since.  This list contains only the episodes that aired from 1963 to 1989.  Back then, each story was usually segmented into half-hour episodes.  Most of the stories were four episodes long, although several were six episodes, and a few were even longer than that. Each YouTube video linked below contains the entire story, with all of its individual episodes, within a single video.

     If you want more information about the series, I wrote a blog post in 2015 where I listed my favorite episodes of the series as follows (listed chronologically). Note that these days I would probably replace "The End of the World" on my top 10 list with "The Five Doctors" (1983).

1.)  "Spearhead from Space" (1970)
2.)  "Terror of the Autons" (1971)
3.)  "Robot" (1974-75)
4.)  "Genesis of the Daleks" (1975)
5.)  "The Seeds of Doom" (1976)
6.)  "Kinda" (1982)
7.)  "The End of the World" (2005)
8.)  "Human Nature / Family of Blood" (2007)
9.)  "Blink" (2007)
10.) "The Day of the Doctor" (2013)

     I have created the list below for easy access to all of the stories that have been uploaded so far, in chronological order.  Although it may be tempting to watch the series from beginning to end, I recommend that new viewers watch the more well-regarded episodes first, or perhaps start watching from a particular Doctor's era. (Whenever an actor left the role of the Doctor, the character was "regenerated" to explain his changed appearance.) 

     It is not necessary to start watching the series from the first episode in 1963, since some of the show's concepts didn't develop until many years later.  Some modern viewers may find the older episodes to be too slow-moving and hard to watch. Personally I recommend new viewers start with "Spearhead from Space" (1970), the first story to be filmed in color.  (It was also the first story to be uploaded by the channel.)

      Click the story title below to watch the episode on YouTube.  Click the "wiki" link next to the story title to read more information about that particular story on its Wikipedia page.  A number in brackets appears after the "wiki" link; that number shows in what order the favorite stories of each Doctor were ranked in a 2023 Doctor Who Magazine survey. (Each Doctor's stories were ranked separately from each other.)  So, if you just want to sample the best stories of each Doctor, just watch the highest-ranked ones.  Keep in mind, however, that those rankings are subjective, and just because Doctor Who fandom judges a story to be a particular Doctor's worst story doesn't mean that you will think the same.  Personally I quite enjoy a few of those lower-ranked stories!

     You will notice that some of the videos below are animated, rather than live-action. These are modern attempts at reconstructing the 1960s episodes for which no video or film has survived. Thankfully the audio for all of these missing episodes was saved, and this original audio has been combined with new animation so that these episodes can be watched today.  You can read more about missing Doctor Who episodes (including a list of what episodes are affected) here

     This page will be updated as more videos become available on the "Doctor Who Classic" YouTube channel.  The list below was last updated on February 11, 2025.

The WILLIAM HARTNELL era: 1963-1966

Season One (1963-1964):
1. "An Unearthly Child" (a.k.a. "100,00 B.C.") (wiki) [#10]
2. "The Daleks" (a.k.a "The Mutants") (wiki) [#5]
3. "The Edge of Destruction" (a.k.a. "Inside the Spaceship")(wiki) [#17]
4. "Marco Polo" (wiki) [#7]
5. "The Keys of Marinus" (wiki) [#18]
6. "The Aztecs" (wiki) [#4]
7. "The Sensorites" (wiki) [#27]
8. "The Reign of Terror" (wiki) [#19]

Season Two (1964-1965):
2. "The Dalek Invasion of Earth" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Hartnell story]
3. "The Rescue" (wiki) [#12]
4. "The Romans" (wiki) [#9]
5. "The Web Planet" (wiki) [#29, lowest ranked Hartnell story]
6. "The Crusade" (wiki) [#13]
8. "The Chase" (wiki) [#14]

Season Three (1965-1966):
1. "Galaxy 4" (wiki) [#26]
2. "Mission to the Unknown" (wiki) [#16]
3. "The Myth Makers" (wiki) [#15]
4. "The Daleks' Master Plan" (wiki) [#3]
5. "The Massacre" (wiki) [#11]
6. "The Ark" (wiki) [#20]
7. "The Celestial Toymaker" (wiki) [#23]
8. "The Gunfighters" (wiki) [#21]
9. "The Savages" (wiki) [#22]
10. "The War Machines" (wiki) [#8]

Season Four (1966-1967):
1. "The Smugglers" (wiki) [#24]
2. "The Tenth Planet" (wiki) [#6]

: 1966-1969

Season Four (continued):
3. "The Power of the Daleks" (wiki) [#3]
4. "The Highlanders" (wiki) [#16]
5. "The Underwater Menace" (wiki) [#19]
6. "The Moonbase" (wiki) [#11]

Season Five (1967-1968):
1. "The Tomb of the Cybermen" (wiki) [#2]
3. "The Ice Warriors" (wiki) [#15]
5. "The Web of Fear" (wiki) [#5]
6. "Fury from the Deep" (wiki) [#9]
7. "The Wheel in Space" (wiki) [#17]

Season Six (1968-1969):
1. "The Dominators" (wiki) [#20]
3. "The Invasion" (wiki) [#4]
4. "The Krotons" (wiki) [#18]
6. "The Space Pirates" (wiki) [#21, lowest ranked Troughton story]
7. "The War Games" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Troughton story]

: 1970-1974

Season Seven (1970):
4. "Inferno" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Pertwee story]

Season Eight (1971):
1. "Terror of the Autons" (wiki) [#9]
3. "The Claws of Axos" (wiki) [#19]
5. "The Daemons" (wiki) [#4]

Season Nine (1972):
4. "The Mutants" (wiki) [#22]
5. "The Time Monster" (wiki) [#24, lowest ranked Pertwee story]

Season Ten (1972-1973):
1. "The Three Doctors" (wiki) [#5]
3. "Frontier in Space" (wiki) [#17]
4. "Planet of the Daleks" (wiki) [#18]
5. "The Green Death" (wiki) [#2]

Season Eleven (1973-1974):
4. "The Monster of Peladon" (wiki) [#23]
5. "Planet of the Spiders" (wiki) [#16]

: 1974-1981

Season Twelve (1974-1975):
1. "Robot" (wiki) [#23]
2. "The Ark in Space" (wiki) [#9]
3. "The Sontaran Experiment" (wiki) [#27]
5. "Revenge of the Cybermen" (wiki) [#31]

Season Thirteen (1975-1976):
1. "Terror of the Zygons" (wiki) [#7]
2. "Planet of Evil" (wiki) [#24]
3. "Pyramids of Mars" (wiki) [#3]
4. "The Android Invasion" (wiki) [#28]
5. "The Brain of Morbius" (wiki) [#11]
6. "The Seeds of Doom" (wiki) [#6]

Season Fourteen (1976-1977):
1. "The Masque of Mandragora" (wiki) [#26]
2. "The Hand of Fear" (wiki) [#19]
3. "The Deadly Assassin" (wiki) [#10]
4. "The Face of Evil" (wiki) [#21]
5. "The Robots of Death" (wiki) [#4]
6. "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" (wiki) [#5]

Season Fifteen (1977-1978):
5. "Underworld" (wiki) [#41, lowest ranked Tom Baker story]

Season Sixteen (1978-1979): 
2. "The Pirate Planet" (wiki) [#17]
4. "The Androids of Tara" (wiki) [#18]
5. "The Power of Kroll" (wiki) [#38]
6. "The Armageddon Factor" (wiki) [#37]

Season Seventeen (1979-1980):
2. "City of Death" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Tom Baker story]
6. "Shada" (unfinished) (wiki) [not ranked]

Season Eighteen (1980-1981):
1. "The Leisure Hive" (wiki) [#32]
2. "Meglos" (wiki) [#39]
3. "Full Circle" (wiki) [#25]
4. "State of Decay" (wiki) [#15]
6. "The Keeper of Traken" (wiki) [#14]
7. "Logopolis" (wiki) [#12]

: 1982-1984

Season Nineteen (1982):
1. "Castrovalva" (wiki) [#10]
3. "Kinda" (wiki) [#4]
4. "The Visitation" (wiki) [#7]
5. "Black Orchid" (wiki) [#13]
6. "Earthshock" (wiki) [#2]
7. "Time-Flight" (wiki) [#20, lowest ranked Davison story]

Season Twenty (1983):
2. "Snakedance" (wiki) [#9]
4. "Terminus" (wiki) [#15]
5. "Enlightenment" (wiki) [#5]
7. "The Five Doctors" (wiki) [#3]

Season Twenty-One (1984):
2. "The Awakening" (wiki) [#12]
3. "Frontios" (wiki) [#11]
4. "Resurrection of the Daleks" (wiki) [#6]
5. "Planet of Fire" (wiki) [#14]
6. "The Caves of Androzani" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Davison story]

: 1984-1986

Season Twenty-One (continued):
7. "The Twin Dilemma" (wiki) [#8, lowest ranked Colin Baker story]

Season Twenty-Two (1985):
5. "Timelash" (wiki) [#7]
6. "Revelation of the Daleks" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked Colin Baker story]

Season Twenty-Three (1986): 
"THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD" [#4, season rated in its entirety as one long story arc]
1. "The Mysterious Planet" (wiki)
2. "Mindwarp" (wiki)
3. "Terror of the Vervoids" (wiki)
4. "The Ultimate Foe" (wiki)

: 1987-1989

Season Twenty-Four (1987):
1. "Time and the Rani" (wiki) [#12, lowest ranked McCoy story]
2. "Paradise Towers" (wiki) [#10]
4. "Dragonfire" (wiki) [#8]

Season Twenty-Five (1988-1989):
1. "Remembrance of the Daleks" (wiki) [#1, highest ranked McCoy story]

Season Twenty-Six (1989):
1. "Battlefield" (wiki) [#6]
2. "Ghost Light" (wiki) [#4]
3. "The Curse of Fenric" (wiki) [#2]
4. "Survival" (wiki) [#3]

P.S.: If you notice any errors in the links above, please let me know in the comments and I will try to fix them.  Thanks!