Monday, July 15, 2024


Mike Tiefenbacher recently wrote a multi-post thread on his Facebook page listing all of the original comedy and drama series that aired in syndication on TV in the United States from 1947 to 2024. Due to Facebook's space limitations, Mike had broken his list into 21 separate posts, but I have combined them all here into one long post.  I have also included the images that accompanied each part within the text below.  The list is preceded by a long introduction about the history of syndicated TV and its decline over the years.  I had shared on my blog last year another long post that Mike had posted on Facebook (about comic books) and received his permission to share this new one here as well.  Thanks, Michael!


In late May [2024], the last of the last of the fall network prime-time schedules were announced, with the attendant disappointments of cancelled series that deserved renewal (QUANTUM LEAP, SO HELP ME TODD, CSI: VEGAS, NOT DEAD YET and EXTENDED FAMILY, in my case), but worse than that was the pallid number of new programs announced for the fall.  I keep reading about the inevitable decline and fall of broadcast network TV, and it seems to me that those networks aren’t even putting up a fight.  Of the 75 series scheduled, only 45 are dramas or comedies (including four animated series, but excluding repeats), a historic low.  By my count, only 19 series are new, and only 13 are scripted live-action shows on all five networks.  This is due to the inordinate portion of the schedule given over to gameshows, sports, reality and news, often consuming a full night’s programming on any one of the networks.  If you don’t like sports, reality or news, where else DO you go for entertainment?  Streaming services is where, since most cable channels that are still around include only network reruns.

When I was a kid, I anxiously anticipated the annual announcement of each TV network's fall schedule in mid-to-late May.  Both to cement the schedule in my mind and to figure out my what my tough program choices would be because of idiot programmers inevitably placing two of my favorite series in the same time period, I would lay out the new season on a network grid.  (I doubt that I invented the idea, but I know I never saw a grid in my local paper, nor did I even see a TV GUIDE till 1969, so, evidently, my chart was instinctive.)  I think the first one I made (which I still have) was for the winter 1965-66 season, with BATMAN on it.  This is part of the reason I recall obscure 13-episode series from the ‘60s that I’m not supposed to because I never watched them (like BLUE LIGHT, THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS, MR. ROBERTS, PISTOLS ‘N’ PETTICOATS, THE JEAN ARTHUR SHOW, and MAN IN A SUITCASE) because, like most everyone else, my brothers and I were watching the higher-rated series airing opposite them.  Each new schedule would always reflect the tragic cancellations of cherished programs I had watched, but it would also include the exciting prospects of brand-new series featuring actors I knew or those which featured what I thought sounded like good series premises.  In the sixties, these schedules would feature an average of 90-100 weekly series, about a third of which fell under the categories of game shows, reality, variety (some music, some comedic), news and sports.  The remaining two-thirds were dramas and comedies, the only series I truly cared about. Before they began to spread the new series debuts over the fall and winter “seasons,” there were an average of about 35 new scripted shows per season.  These were the days of 3 1/2 program hours, six days a week, and four on Sundays on only three networks.  Most of the sixties, however, were not gifted with much of the alternative stream of programs that had been available in the decade before or the decade after: further original non-network dramas and comedies that were purchased by local stations to run in the hours that weren’t programmed by the networks: something known as first-run syndication.  (In Milwaukee, local stations would often choose certain new primetime series to pre-empt completely or switch to a Saturday afternoon or Sunday at 10:30 slot in favor of syndicated off-network repeats or locally produced series.)

In 1971, the network hold on the first half-hour of every night was allegedly rectified by an edict of the FCC called the Prime Time Access Rule, which they imagined would allow non-network syndicators to regain their one-time cottage industry of successfully creating dramas and comedies for first-run syndication.  In my early youth in the fifties, syndicated programming was booming.  Because the majority of series then were only 30 minutes in length, there were an average of 120 weekly network series being aired, again in the same proportions of genres as the sixties.  The Access Rule took away the 7:30-8:00 (6:30-7:00 where I live) slot from the networks, and within a few years of barely remembered syndicated dramas and comedies, by the mid-seventies that syndicated half-hour had reverted to daily stripped (the same show every day) “news” magazines and off-network game shows of considerably lower viewership than any of the network series occupying that timeslot during my childhood.  And because of the surrendered daily slot,  the weekly network series total had decreased to a mere 70, down 20 from the pre-Access rule days.

Every given year in the fifties that I could recall featured between 25 and 50 examples of what I only later learned were first-run syndicated series, some aired in the empty timeslots left by the networks (they used to leave an average of four to five hours per week unfilled), others aired either several hours  before or after the network programming time slots during the week  or in daytime periods on the weekends.  So 1950s TV generally featured in excess of 150 weekly series, a far greater number in total programming hours than we have experienced in the past half decade, even during streaming’s peak of 600 series in a calendar year of a few years back,  This was because virtually all of those 150 series of the fifties were turning out 39 episodes per year.  Contrast that with today’s streaming series, which  rarely exceed eight to ten episodes per “season.”   Ironically, many of them were among my favorite shows during those years--I was too young to  tell network from syndicated shows, so I had no prejudices.  This extra-network production  continued into the early sixties, but around 1960, the three networks began to allow syndication of their biggest co-owned off-network series, and the need for first-run syndication shuddered to a virtual halt by 1962.  Given the choice between buying a proven off-network hit series versus a new unproven one, stations now had almost no space for new series, even when accompanied by barter ad agreements in which they not only got series for nothing because they were sponsored, but they were given the remaining empty ad-slots to sell to local advertisers. 

Thus was the first-run syndication market all but killed off--for the first time.

Each decade following included either a weak or strong resumption of the idea of non-network broadcast programming outside of the burgeoning cable channels (which sporadically continued network series that were cancelled too early) and then, about twenty years ago, came streaming, the ostensible savior of the television industry.  Once touted as, among other things that are no longer true, such as lack of advertising and permanent access to the series offered on each service, streaming turned out to be less the vehicle for the rescue of recently canceled short-lived cult-favorite network series than as a means to reboot old shows from decades before.  And despite having avoided being subscribers to the Nielsen rating services until recently, streaming series have been just as apt to face cancellation after a single season as they have been on the networks.

After the phantom rebirth of syndication in the wake of the ‘70s Access Rule, the fifteen-year period circa ‘84 through the end of the ‘90s marked the resurrection of first-run syndication.  This was simultaneous with the launch of the newly minted Fox, WB and UPN networks, as well as original programming from multiple cable channels, both free-to-air channels--USA, Sci-Fi, TNT, TBS, Lifetime, AMC, BET, MTV, A&E, TNN, WGN, WOR, Family Channel, Pax, Ion, Nick at Nite, Nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network,  et al., and pay channels-- HBO, Showtime, Starz, Cinemax, Movie Channel and Epix.)  The amount of programming created during this period surely also rivals the hey-day of streaming, if not the ‘50s.  (This total essentially excludes all  post-1980 British series which, with rare exceptions, in terms of syndication, landed only on PBS affiliates, and almost never on commercial TV stations. These have been carried either as locally purchased  programming (some going on for years and years) or in the case of more recent British, European or Australian programs as part of of PBS’s non-specific weekly “schedule” as freestanding series or parts of the network’s continuing anthologies MASTERPIECE THEATRE or MYSTERY.  Dramatic, science-fiction, children’s, animated, sitcoms--all formats except variety or rock music--and series from the BBC, ITV and the English cable channels are included in this round-up, with the balance of British programming basically scooped up by both free and pay cable channels.  I don’t count any of them as true syndicated shows because of this ersatz network arrangement.)

Interestingly, the Reagan administration’s FCC’s laissez faire attitude toward the rule against children’s programming promoting commercial products  was a valuable contributor to the explosion of syndicated program during the ‘80s and early ‘90s.  Because they didn’t prevent it, dozens of cartoons based on action figures, stuffed animals, comics, videogames and vehicular toys were among the fare offered as 65-episode, daily-strip early-morning and/or afternoon syndicated packages.  These ended during the Clinton administration, as the old FCC prohibitions were revived.  1996 seems to be the final year a new toy-based season (TRANSFORMERS) was offered.

By the 1990s, there were six networks for the first time, yet because of increased program lengths, only about ninety weekly network series.  Each season, about a dozen new seasons of dramas and comedies were offered in first-run syndication, including returning shows.  Within a decade, the number of networks would be reduced to five, the number of weekly series was down to 75, with the genre mix now closer to about a percentage of sixty/forty for dramas and comedies vs. reality/game shows (which are most often the same thing), sports and news.  Variety had gone extinct as a format by the nineties, eventually supplanted by amateur singers and dancers in pseudo-game shows. Non-daytime syndication became the exclusive domain of off-network repeats, talk and game shows.  Imported Canadian series continue to be offered in the U.S. via syndication, so while the illusion of first-run primetime syndication still exists, for the most part, it died its second death circa 2003.

I own multiple editions of four long-running TV series encyclopediae (by Tim Brooks & Earle Marsh, Alex McNeil, Vincent Terrace, and Harry Castleman & Wally Podrazik (who also researched and wrote the comprehensive 24-hour, 365-day network channel grid book I’ve consulted consistently since it was published nearly 40 years ago, which Wikipedia has mined extensively in their typical half-assed way), each of which includes network TV grids back to the forties.  Despite all of this data, I nonetheless concluded long ago that as a group, these books provide only a full-screen version of the otherwise widescreen past because none of these authors ever found a means to amend or adjust their grids to include first-run syndicated programming    To capture a true picture of broadcast television, it's absurd to ignore these series, yet while these books cover the shows in question in their individual series entries, because each individual station determines its day and time of broadcast, there's no way to place them into the same digestible yearly context as the grid schedules do.  (In addition, none of these books includes every syndicated series, at least that I’ve observed--though because Terrace’s most recent updated volumes are prohibitively expensive, I can’t be certain.)

My previous post here which attempted to finally quantify the number of Westerns that were available on TV in 1959 (after decades of hearing broad generalizations based on network schedules only) inspired me to want to extend my research into all genres of comedy and drama.   I was very curious to learn if my impressions (as summarized above),  formed over my decades of viewing and reading about the shows I've watched, have any validity.  

Now, because of the existence of, Wikipedia, IMDb and a couple of other sites as well as all of those hard-copy TV books, I decided it was now possible to try to finally construct that first-run syndication chart.  Obviously, I can't create an actual series grid.  My alternative solution was to assemble the following LIST (you knew THAT was coming!) organized by network TV annual season equivalence, determined by first-run syndicated series' premiere dates (by month and year only since the days differed on each station) according to those websites.  Had I had the space, I’d have relisted each series for each year that they aired.   I've included the number of episodes produced (compare them to how many we get today from streaming or even network series!) and the companies that produced them and their distributors.  (Again, I've left cast listings out under the “too-damn-long-already” rule.  If you’re curious enough, you could look them up at any of the three above-listed websites.)  

At the time I began the project a couple of months ago, I imagined that this concept had never been addressed by anyone else, and so I compiled perhaps 90% of the following list before learning that my fellow Milwaukeean Hal Erickson had published a book entitled SYNDICATED TELEVISION: THE FIRST FORTY YEARS 1947-1987 (1989, McFarland).  I acquired the hardcover first edition, then the 2001 paperback (thinking it had been updated; it had not), and checked it against my research.  Despite his scholarly research, it didn't all match, so further checking online and with the other encyclopediae and averaging out the results was necessary.  But I definitely added a couple of dozen series I would have otherwise overlooked had it not been for Hal's book.  

Like Hal’s book, my list only includes first-run syndicated series, not reruns of series aired previously, except foreign-born shows.  Some series were wholly original, some were continuations of radio series, and some were revivals or continuations of series that had been cancelled by one or more of the four original networks. As mentioned above, I've excluded series which first aired on cable networks and streaming services, though, in the later years a precious few which simultaneously aired on local stations AND on one of the cable channels may have slipped through.  Generally speaking, all of these series could be watched on broadcast channels in more than one city in the United States.

I have excluded all talk shows, game shows, sports series, musical variety, comedy variety, (most) sketch series, stand-up series, pop, country and rock performance shows, and especially the always-loathsome “reality” format.  Unless I've overlooked something, this list should include all scripted adventure, drama, situation comedy, children’s (live-action and puppet shows) and animated series, including anthologies, with the exception of old-style single-story mini-series (’70s-‘00s) of six episodes or fewer.  

I have also included shows consisting of theatrically released shorts, B movies, and animated cartoons if they were syndicated as a series.  THE THREE STOOGES, LAUREL & HARDY, THE BOWERY BOYS and THE LITTLE RASCALS were all part of my TV experience, and  to me, their TV airings qualify them as legitimate TV series.  Similarly, the incredibly important to me debuts of the POPEYE, BUGS BUNNY, MIGHTY MOUSE and LITTLE LULU theatrical cartoon packages of my youth had to be included.  Because the multiple overlapping Wikipedia entries manage to obfuscate release dates with surprising alacrity, I may have selected inaccurate release dates for some of these syndication packages, particularly those involving cartoons, which they frequently mistitle as well. If I were researching this for a book, I’d dig into the two online newspaper archives to determine the earliest airdates I could find for each studio.  Sadly, animation fans have somehow failed to do this, at least for online consumption.  Since my actual memories only stretch back to 1955 (pre-DISNEYLAND and MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, all I recall specifically is CRUSADER RABBIT, and lots of barnyard animals, cats and mice (likely Van Beuren and Terrytoons), and one specific UPA cartoon (involving a horse playing “solitaire”) from the primetime GERALD McBOING-BOING SHOW that I’ve yet to identify.

So I'm probably missing some of the more obscure syndication cartoon packages, especially those that debuted prior to 1955.  If you know of any missing cartoons or their corrected debut dates, let me know and I'll add them to the list.

As outlined above,  I've left out ALL UK and Australian series which have aired almost exclusively on PBS stations after 1980.  While many of them were not officially part of any nationally aired PBS schedule, they were never truly syndicated to local commercial stations.  A few Canadian shows got similar U.S. public-television treatment (such as DeGRASSI, THE RED GREEN SHOW and THE NEWSROOM), but the number was few, so most CBC, CTV and Global series not carried first on American networks, cable or streaming channels are included here.

So I could include more photos, I’ve broken this into more-digestible yearly listings.  You’re likely to recognize most of them because I’ve found my friends are likelier to read posts with stills or caps from shows they know and like.  (Besides, I began by selecting a photo for EVERY show listed, and it was taking FOREVER.)

I hope this provides a more comprehensive picture of broadcast TV’s first 75 years than you may have had before by learning about the shows which didn’t begin on network TV.  It certainly did for me.



+ [symbol indicates] Animated or puppets
(39) episode numbers in 30-minute increments 
[26] episode numbers in 60-minute increments
(39)* equivalent in combined episodes shorter than 30 minutes packaged in half-hour increments (i.e. 78 fifteen-minute shorts, 117 seven-minute cartoons, or 195 five-minute cartoons)
 all seasons begin around September for each year

Public Prosecutor (26)  9/47  (Fairbanks/NBC Films)

+The Adventures of Pow Wow (13)* 9/49 (Tempe-Toons/Sam Singer)
+Time for Beany (200+) 2/49, 9/49, 9/50, 9/51, 9/52, 9/53  (Bob Clampett)

+Jim and Judy in Teleland (13)* 9/49  (Television Screen/Film Flash)
The Lone Ranger (217) 9/49, 9/50, 9/52, 9/54, 9/56  (Jack Chertok/Apex; Wrather)
+Tele-Comics (13?)  9/49  (Vallee Video)

+The Adventures of Cyclone Malone (39) (post-NBC) 9/50  (UTP)
+The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican (16?) 9/50  (Sam Singer)
The Cisco Kid (156) 3/51, 9/51, 8/52, 10/53, 9/54, 10/55  (Krasne/Ziv)
+Crusader Rabbit  (39)* 8/50, 9/51  (Fairbanks-Television Art/NBC Films)
Racket Squad (13)  (pre-CBS) 6/51  (Hal Roach)
The Range Rider (78) 1/51, 1/52  (Flying A/CBS Films)
+Sleepy Joe (39) 9/50  (KTSL/ABC Films)  
Trapped (57)  9/50, 9/51  (WOR)

The Adventures of Kit Carson (104) 8/51, 8/52, 9/53, 7/54  (MCA Revue)
The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok (113)  4/51, 10/51, 1/52, 9/53, 11/54, 9/55, 9/56, 2/58 (pre-ABC)  (Broidy/ABC Films; Flamingo; Screen Gems)
Boston Blackie (58) 9/51, 10/52  (Ziv)
Broadway Television Theatre (73) 4/52  (WOR)
The Chimps (39) 9/51  (Bing Crosby/UTP)
Chevron Theatre (104) 1/52, 1/53  (MCA/Revue)
Dangerous Assignment (39) 3/52  (NBC Films)
Foreign Intrigue: Dateline Europe (78) 10/51, 10/52  (NBC Films/Official)
Hollywood Off Beat [Steve Randall] (39) (pre-DuMont) 9/51  (Jerry Fairbanks)  
Life With Buster Keaton (39) 9/51  (KTTV/Crown Pictures International)
+The Magic Lady & Boko (39) 9/51  (KTLA/Telemount)
The Schaefer Century Theatre (39) 5/52  (?)
Tales of the Black Cat (39?)  9/51  (CBS Films)
The Unexpected (39)  3/51, 9/51 (Ziv)

The Abbott & Costello Show (52) 12/52, 11/53  (TCA)
Adventures of Superman (104) 9/52, 9/53, 4/55, 2/56, 3/57, 2/58  (MPTV/Flamingo)
The Affairs of China Smith (26) 8/52  (NTA)
Biff Baker, U.S.A, (5+) 11/52  (post-CBS) (MCA Revue)
Cowboy G-Men (39) 9/52  (Telemount-Mutual)
Craig Kennedy, Criminologist (26) ?/52  (Adrian Weiss/Louis Weiss)
Crown Theatre with Gloria Swanson (117) 1/52, 1/53, 1/54  (Bing Crosby/CBS Films)
Death Valley Days (558) 10/52, 9/53, 9/54, 9/55, 9/56, 9/57, 9/58, 10/59,   9/60, 10/61, 10/62, 9/63, 10/64, 9/65, 9/66, 10/67, 9/68, 10/69    (Flying A;  Filmaster; Madison)
Demi-Tasse Tales (11) 1/53  (Sovereign)
Dick Tracy (39) (post-ABC) 9/52  (UTP)
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Presents (117) 1/53, 9/53, 9/54, 11/55, 9/56  (Fairbanks/NBC Films; ABC Films)
Hopalong Cassidy (52)  6/52, 10/53  (William Boyd/NBC Films)
I’m the Law (26) 2/53  (Cosman/TCA)
Jim and Judy in Teleland (10)* 9/52  (Television Screen Productions)
Lash of the West (39/15 min) 9/52 (pre-ABC) (Guild) 
Ramar of the Jungle (52) 10/52  (TPA)
Televideo Theatre (21)  9/52  (Screen Televideo/Flamingo/CBS Films)
Terry and the Pirates (26) 6/53  (Don Sharpe/Dougfair/Official)
Your (My) Favorite Story (102) 1/53, 9/53, 9/54  (Ziv)
Your Jeweler’s Showcase (39)  10/52  (Sovereign/CBS Films)

Adventures of The Falcon (39) 6/54  (Federal Telefilms/NBC Films)
Annie Oakley (81) 1/54, 7/54, 6/56  (Flying A/CBS Films)
Buffalo Bill Jr. (42)  3/55, 4/56  (Flying A/CBS Films)
Captured [formerly Gang Busters] (9)  1/54  (NBC Films)          
Charles Boyer Theatre (39) 9/53 (Four Star)
City Detective (65) 9/53, 10/54  (MCA Revue)
Duffy's Tavern (39) 2/54  (Hal Roach/MPTV)
Foreign Intrigue: Overseas Adventure (39) 10/53  (NBC Films/Official)
Hank McCune Show (39) (post-NBC) 9/53  (UTP)
I Led Three Lives (117) 8/53, 7/54, 9/55  (Ziv)
The Inner Sanctum (39) 1/54  (Galahad/NBC Films)
Janet Dean, Registered Nurse/The Ella Raines Show (39) 2/54  (Cornwall/MPTV)
The Joe Palooka Story (26)  4/54  (Guild)
Life With Elizabeth (65) 10/53, 10/54   (KLAC/Fedderson/Guild)
The Lone Wolf (39) 4/54  (UTP)
Meet Corliss Archer (39)  4/54  (Ziv)
Mr. District Attorney (78) 3/54, 3/55  (Ziv)
The New Adventures of China Smith (26) 2/54  (NTA)
Orient Express (26) 9/53  (Pathe/MPTV)
The Passerby (26/15 min.)  9/53?  (NTA)
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (39) 2/54  (Official)
Stories of the Century (39) 1/54, 9/54  (Republic/HTS)
Waterfront (78) 2/54, 3/54  (Roland Reed/MCA)
The Whistler (39)  7/54 (CBS)

The Adventures of Ellery Queen (78) (post-DuMont) 9/54, 9/55  (TPA)
The Amazing Tales of Hans Christian Anderson (13?)  ?/54  (Scandanavian-American/Interstate)
The Adventures of Captain Hartz (26?)  ?/54  (?)
Alarm (78)  4/54. 9/55 (Roland Reed)
Cavalcade of the West with Tim McCoy (39/15 min) 9/54  (Mercury International)
Conrad Nagle Theater (26) 7/55  (Guild) 
The Eddie Cantor Comedy Theatre (39) 1/55, 9/55  (Ziv)
Edward Arnold Theatre (26) ?/54  (?)
Fabian of Scotland Yard (Patrol Car) (36)  ?/55  (BBC/CBS Films)
The Files of Jeffrey Jones (39) 9/54  (Lindsley Parsons/CBS Films)
Flash Gordon (39) 10/54  (Intercontinental/MPFT)
Foreign Intrigue: Cross Current (39) 9/54 (NBC Films/Official) 
The Goldbergs (39) 10/55  (Cherney Berg/Guild)
Henry Fonda Presents The Star and the Story (39) 1/55, 9/55  (Four Star)
His Honor, Homer Bell (39)  2/55  (Galahad/NBC Fillms)
+Johnny Jupiter (60? daily) 9/54 (post-ABC)  (Kargan/IMPS)
The Little Rascals (79 18” ep) 9/54  (Hal Roach/Interstate)
+Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies [Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/Porky Pig/Sniffles/Tweety & Sylvester/Inki/Pepe LePew/Hubie & Bertie/Babbit & Catstello/Foghorn Leghorn/Three Bears/Goofy Gophers] (64)* 6/55  (Sunset-WB/Guild)
Man Behind the Badge (39) 1/55  (Prockter/MCA Revue)
Mandrake the Magician (39)**   9/54  withdrawn?  (ABC Films)  (likely pilot only)
Mayor of the Town (39) 9/54  (Gross-Krasne/UTP)
Passport to Danger (78) 9/54, 9/55  (Rabco/Hal Roach/ABC Films)
Police Call (39)  ?/54  (MCA Revue/NTA)
Science Fiction Theatre (78) 4/55, 4/56  (Ivan Tors/ZIV)
Secret File USA (39) 1/55  (Cinetone/Official)
Sherlock Holmes (39) 10/54  (MPTV/Guild)
Soldiers of Fortune (52) 1/55, 9/56  (MCA Revue)
Studio 57 (138) 9/54, 9/55, 9/56, 9/57
Tales of Mystery ?? (listed by Terrace only)
Tales of the Unknown  ?? (listed by Terrace only)

The Adventures of Long John Silver (26) 6/56  (ITC/ATV)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (143) 9/55, 10/56, 9/57, 11/59  (ITC/ATV)
The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel (18) 9/55  (Towers of London/Official)
+Betty Boop (32)* 9/55  (UM&M/NTA)
Captain Z-Ro (26/15”) 12/55  (Atlas)
Chevron Hall of Stars (45) 1/56,  9/56 (Four Star)
Colonel March of Scotland Yard (26) 2/56  (ITC/Official)
The Count of Monte Cristo (78) 2/56, 2/57  (TPA/ITC/ATV)
+Paramount/Famous Cartoons (78)* (Gabby, Little Lulu, Herman & Katnip, Buzzy, Little Audrey, Casper, Baby Huey, Screen Songs, Novelttoons)  (UM&M/NTA)
Gang Busters (39) 9/55  (General Teleradio)
The Great Gildersleeve (39) 9/55  (Hal Roach/NBC Films)
+Heckle and Jeckle (52)* 9/55 (pre-CBS)  (Terrytoons/CBS)
Highway Patrol (156) 10/55, 10/56, 10/57, 10/58  (Ziv)
Judge Roy Bean (39) 9/55  (Screencraft)
Jungle Jim (26) 9/55  (Screen Gems)
The Lone Wolf (39) 4/54  (Gross-Krasne/NTP)
The Man Called X (39) 1/56  (Ziv)
N.O.P.D. (39) 11/55  (MPA)
Paris Precinct (26)  4/56  (Etolle/MPTV/ABC)
+Popeye (78)* 6/56 (Paramount/aap)
+Rainbow Parade (39)* 9/55  (Commonwealth/Official)
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (26) 9/55  (Nassour/ABC Films)
Sheriff of Cochise (78) 9/56, 9/57 (Desilu/NTA)  see U.S. Marshal
Steve Donovan, Western Marshal (39) 9/55  (Jack Chertok/Hal Roach/NBC Films)
Top Secret U.S.A. (26, 15 min) 9/55 (MCA Revue)

The Adventures of Fu Manchu [Dr. Fu Manchu] (13) 9/56  (Republic/HTS)
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (30) 9/56  (ITC/Official)
Bobo the Hobo (26) 9/56  (NTA)
The Buccaneers (39) 9/56  (ITC/ATV)
Citizen Soldier (The Big Attack) (39) 9/56  (Flamingo)
Code 3 (39) 4/57  (Rabco/Hal Roach)
Dr. Christian (39) 10/56  (Ziv)
Dr. Hudson’s Secret Journal (78) 9/56, 9/57  (Gross-Krasne/Westmore)
Errol Flynn Theatre (26) 11/56  (Motley/Official)
Ethel Barrymore Theatre (26) 9/56  (Interstate)
Hawkeye & The Last of the Mohicans (39) 4/57  (ITC/TPA)
I Spy (39)  9/56  (Rean/Guild)
James Mason Show  (13?) 9/56  (?)
Lilli Palmer Theatre (39) 10/56  (Towers of London/NBC Films)
+Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies (113)* 9/56   (WB/AAP)
+Madcap Models (39) 9/56 [George Pal’s Puppetoons] (UM&M/NTA)
Men of Annapolis (39) 1/57  (Ziv)
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (39) 6/57  (ITC/TPA)
Official Detective (39) 6/57  (Desilu/NTA)
The O. Henry Playhouse (42) 1/57  (Gross-Krasne/MCA)
Sailor of Fortune (26) 9/56  (Elstree-Mid-Ocean/RKO)
The Silent Service (78) 4/57, 3/58  (California National-NBC/MCA Revue)
State Trooper (105) 9/56, 9/57, 1/59  (MCA Revue)
Strange Stories (39) 9/56  (Vandyke/Archway)
The Three Musketeers (52) 9/56, 9/57  (IFE/ABC Films)
Whirlybirds (111) 1/57, 2/58, 4/59  (Desilu/CBS Films)

Adventures of a Jungle Boy (13) 9/57  (Kenya/Gross-Krasne)
The Adventures of Tugboat Annie (39) 12/57  (Normandie/TPA)
African Patrol (39) 4/58  (Gross-Krasne)
The Big Story (39) 9/57 (post-NBC)  (Official)
Boots and Saddles (39) 9/57  (California National/NBC Films)
Captain David Grief (39) 10/57, 10/58  (Guild)
Casey Jones (32) 5/58  (Screen Gems)
+Colonel Bleep (39)* 10/57  (Soundac)
Crunch and Des (39) 9/57  (NBC Films)
Decoy (39) 10/57  (Official)
The Gray Ghost (39) 10/57  (Lindsley/CBS Films)
Harbor Command (39) 10/57  (Ziv)
How to Marry a Millionaire (52) 10/57, 10/58  (Fox/NTA)
Ivanhoe (39) 1/58  (Screen Gems)
Man Without a Gun (52) 11/57, 10/58  (Fox/NTA)
Mickey Spillaine’s Mike Hammer (78) 1/58, 1/59  (MCA Revue)
The New Adventures of Martin Kane  (39) 9/57  (Ziv)  
Our Gang (52, 18 min ep) 9/57  (MGM)
Sea Hunt (156) 1/58, 1/59, 1/60, 1/61  (Ivan Tors/Ziv)
Sgt. Preston of the Yukon (26) 10/57 (post-CBS)  (Skinner/CBS Films)
Stryker of Scotland Yard (15)  9/57  (Republic/HTS)
Sword of Freedom (39) 2/58  (Official)
Target (39) 3/58, 9/58  (Ziv)
The Three Stooges (190 18” ep) 1/58, 1/61, 1/64  (Columbia/Screen Gems)
Tomahawk (26)  2/57, 11/57  (Omega/Radio Canada)
The Tracer (26) 9/57  (Minot/MPA)
26 Men (78) 10/57, 9/58  (Hayden/ABC Films)
Walter Winchell File (39) 10/57  (Desilu/CBS Films)
White Hunter (39) 10/57  (ITC/ATV)

+The Adventures of Spunky & Tadpole (30)* 9/58  (Beverly Hills/Telemet)
The Blue Fairy (39) 9/58  (WGN)
Bold Venture (39)  1/59  (Ziv)
+Bozo, the World’s Most Famous Clown cartoons (157: one per episode) ?/58, 9/59, 9/62  (Jayark Films)
Cannonball (39) 10/58  (Normandie/ITC/TPA)
+Clutch Cargo (52)* 3/59, 9/59  (Cambria)
Colonel Flack (39) 10/58, 10/59 post-CBS)  (Desilu/CBS Films)   
Counterspy (39) 9/58  (Telestar)
Counterthrust (13) 9/58  (ABC Films)
+Crusader Rabbit (52)* 1/59, 9/59  (Capital)
Dial 999 (39) 9/58  (Towers of London/Ziv)
+Felix the Cat (87)* 10/58, 9/59  (Oriolo-Famous/Trans-Lux/ABC Films)
Flight (39) 11/58  (McCadden/California National-NBC Films)
Frontier Doctor (39) 9/58  (Republic/SCTS)
+Huckleberry Hound [Huckleberry Hound/Yogi Bear/Pixie & Dixie & Mr. Jinks; Hokey Wolf/Yakky Doodle] (68)*  9/58, 9/59, 9/60  (H-B, Screen Gems)
The Invisible Man (27) 6/59, 9/59  (Official)
Jean Carson Show (6+) 9/58  (Danny Thomas/Four Star)
Mackenzie's Raiders (39) 10/58  (Ziv)
New York Confidential (39)  9/58  (TPA-ITC/ATV) 
Rendezvous (39) 9/58  (Rapallo-ART/CBS Films)
Rescue 8 (78) 1/58, 1/59  (Screen Gems)
Special Agent 7 (25) 1/59  (MCA Revue)
This Is Alice (39) 10/58  (Desilu/NTA)
Union Pacific (39) 9/58  (California National/NBC)
U.S. Border Patrol (39) 3/59  (Gallu/CBS Films)
U.S. Marshal (78) 10/58   (Desilu/NTA)  from Sheriff of Cochise
The Veil (13) 9/58  (Hal Roach/Official)
William Tell (39) 9/58  (ITC/NTA)

+Bucky & Pepito (36)* 9/59  (Trans-Artists)
+Cap’n Sailorbird (38)* ?/59 (Sterling)
Congressional Investigator (39) 9/59  (?)
Deadline (39) 9/59  (Flamingo)
The Flying Doctor (39) 9/59  (Gross-Krasne/ATV)
The Four Just Men (39) 9/59  (Wrather/Rank/ITC/ATV)
Front Page Story (39) 9/59  (Jay Lewis-British Lion)
Glencannon (39) 9/59  (Gross-Krasne/NTA)
Grand Jury (39) 10/59  (Desilu /NTA)
+The Gumby Show (22)* 1/60, 5/63, 11/66  (Clokey)
Hudson’s Bay (39) 9/59  (Northstar/UA)
International Detective (39)  9/59  (ATV/ITC/Official)
Interpol Calling (39) 9/59  (Rank-Wrather/ITC/ATV)
Johnny Midnight (39)  1/60  (Chertok/MCA Revue) 
Lockup (78) 9/59, 9/60  (Ziv)
Manhunt (78) 10/59, 9/60  (Screen Gems)
+The New Adventures of Pinocchio (26)* 6/60  (Rankin-Bass/Videocraft)
Night Court, U.S.A. (78) 4/58, 9/58  (Banner)
Not For Hire (39) 10/59  (California National/NBC)
The Play of the Week [67/2 hr.]  10/59  10/60  (Talent Associates/NTA)
Pony Express (34) 8/59  (California National/NBC)
+Quick Draw McGraw [Quick Draw McGraw & Baba Looey/Augie Doggie & Doggie Daddy/Snooper & Blabber Mouse] (45)* 9/59, 9/60, 9/61 (H-B, Screen Gems)
R.C.M.P. (39) 10/59  (Crawley/CBC-BBC-AusBC/California National-NBC)
Robert Herridge Theatre (26) 7/60   (CBS Films)
Shotgun Slade (78) 10/59, 10/60  (MCA Revue)
Tales of the Vikings (39) 9/59 (Bryna/UA)
The Third Man (77) 9/60, 1/61  (seasons 3-5 UK only, ‘62-‘65)  (Pinewood/Fox//NTA)
13 Demon Street (13) --/59  (Crosby-Brown)
This Man Dawson (39) 10/59 (Ziv)
Tombstone Territory (26) 10/59 (post-ABC)
World of Giants (13) 1/60 (Alland/Ziv/UA)

Assignment Underwater (39) 9/60  (Liberty/NTA)
The Best of The Post (26) 10/60 (Wrather/ITC/ATV)
The Blue Angels (39) 9/60  (California National/NBC Films)
The Brothers Branagan (39) 9/60  (CBS Films)
The Case of the Dangerous Robin (38) 10/60 (Ziv)
Coronado 9 (39) 9/60  (MCA Revue)
+Courageous Cat & Minute Mouse (26)* 9/60, 9/62  (Sam Singer/Trans Arts)
+Davey and Goliath (20)* 2/61, 9/62, 9/63  (Clokey)
Deadline Midnight (39)* 9/60  (ITC/ATV)
+Dick Tracy Show (32)* 1/61  (UPA)
+Diver Dan (35)* 1/61 (Brian Cartoons/ITC)
Exclusive  (13) 9/60  (ABC Films)
The Funny Manns (75)* 3?/61  (California National/NBC)
Insight (250) 10/60, 9/61, 9/62, 9/63, 9/64, 9/65, 9/66, 9/67, 9/68, 10/69, 9/70, 9/71, 9/72, 9/73, 9/74, 9/75, 9/76, 9/77, 9/78, 9/79, 9/80, 9/81, 9/82, 9/83, 9/84  (Paulist)
Jim Backus Show (Hot Off the Wire) (39)  9/60  (California National/NBC)
+Mel-O-Toons (26)* 10/60  (UA)
Miami Undercover (39) 1/61, 9/61  (Ziv/UA)
Mischief Makers [silent Our Gang, Dippy Doo Dads, Buster Brown] (52)* 9/60  (National Telepix)
Mister Ed  (26) (pre-CBS) 1/61 (Filmways)
+Mr. Magoo (32) 11/60  (UPA)
+The Nutty Squirrels Present (30)* 9/60  (Transfield/Wylde/Flamingo)
No Hiding Place [234] [9 only?]  9/59, 5/60  (seasons 3-10, UK only)  (ART/Global)
+Popeye the Sailor (55)* 9/60. 9/61 (King Features/Firestone)
+Q.T. Hush (20)* 9/60  (Animation Associates/NTA)
Tallahassee 7000 (26) 1/61  (Screen Gems)
Two Faces West (39) 10/60  (Screen Gems)
Whiplash (38) 2/61  (ITC/ATV)
+Yogi Bear Show [Yogi  Bear & Boo Boo/Snagglepuss/Yakky Doodle; Pixie & Dixie & Mr. Jinks] (33)* 1/61, 9/61  (H-B/Screen Gems)

The Adventures of the Sea Hawk (26) 9/61  (Wesmore/TV Marketeers)
The Age of Kings [15] 1/61  (BBC/Metropolitan)
The Beachcomber (39) 2/62  (Everglade-Filmasters/ITC/ATV)
The Cheaters (39) 9/61   (Danziger/ITC/ATV)
Comedy Capers [silent Laurel & Hardy/Charley Chase/Ben Turpin/Billy Bevan] (52)* 9/61  (National Telepix)
+Deputy Dawg (78) 9/61, 9/62 (Terrytoons/CBS Films)
Everglades! (38) 10/61  (Ziv/UA)
+Foo Foo (11)* 9/61 (Halas-Batchelor/Interstate)
Ghost Squad (26)* 9/61  (ITV/ATV)  (season 2-3, UK only)
+King Features Trilogy Big World: Beetle Bailey/Barney Google & Snuffy Smith/Krazy Kat (50)*  9/61  (King Features/Firestone)
King of Diamonds (38) 9/61  (Ziv/UA)
+Out of the Inkwell (26)*  8/61  (Seeger-Video House/7 Arts)
Out of This World (14)* 6/62  (ABC Weekend/ATV)
Ripcord (76) 9/61, 9/62  (Ziv/UA)
Shannon (36) 10/61  (Screen Gems)
Sir Francis Drake (26) 11/61  (ITC/ATV)
+Snip and Snap (12)*  9/61  (ABC/Halas-Batchelor/Interstate)
+Space Angel (65)* 2/62, 9/62, 10/63  (Cambria)
+Supercar (39) 1/62  (Century 21/ITV/ATV)
+Tales of the Wizard of Oz (28) 9/62  (Rankin-Bass/Videocraft)
Top Secret (26) 8/61  (ART/ITV)

Farmer Alfalfa (66)* 9/62  (Terrytoons/Viacom)
Man of the World [20] 9/62  (ITCATV)
+The Mighty Hercules (32)* 9/62  (Trans-Lux)
Mr. Piper (39)  /63 (Pied Piper/CBC/ITC/ATV)
+Rod Rocket (13)* 1/63  (Scheimer/Sib-Tower 12)
+Touche Turtle/Wally Gator/Lippy the Lion (52)* 9/62, 9/63  (H-B, Screen Gems)
Zim Bomba [the Jungle Boy] [13] 6/63  (Monogram)

+(Herge’s) Adventures of Tintin (21)* 9/63  (RTF/NTA)
+Astro Boy (104) 9/63, 9/64  (Mushi/NBC Films)
A Day with Doodles (32)*  1/64  (Tri-Continent/NTA)
Edgar Wallace Mysterie Theatre  [39] 9/63  (Merton Park/ITV)
Fractured Flickers (26) 8/63  (Jay Ward-Desilu/PAT)
+The Funny Company (65)* 9/63  (Ken Snyder/Mattel)
The Littlest Hobo (59) 9/63, 10/64  (Canamac-Neferiti/CTPA/Storer)
Mack and Myer for Hire (50/15”)*  9/63  (Trans-Lux)
+Magilla Gorilla Show [Magilla Gorilla/Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long/Punkin Puss & Mushmouse] (31)* 1/64, 9/64  (H-B/Screen Gems)
Planet Patrol (39) 1/64  (M. & A. Alexander)
Richard the Lion Heart (39) 9/63  (Danziger/ART/Global)
The Saint  [71] 9/63, 9/64, 9/65, 9/66 (pre-NBC)  (Bamore/ITC/ATV/New World)
The Sentimental Agent [13] 9/63  (ITV/ATV) 
Space G-Men (13) ???  
Spread of the Eagle [15] 1/63  (BBC/Metropolitan)

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (13) 9/64   (Franco London/ORTF/BBC)
+The Big World of Little Adam (22)*  9/64  (Fred Ladd/Banner)
+Captain Fathom (26)*  1?/65   (Cambria)
The Forest Rangers (104) 9/64  (Astral/CBC/NBC Films)
The Human Jungle (26) 9/64   (ABPC/UA)
+Peter Potamus Show [Peter Potamus & So-So/Breezly Bruin & Sneezely Seal/Yippee, Yappee & Yahooey] (26)* 9/64, 9/65  (H-B/Screen Gems)
The Pursuers [The Inspector] (39) 9/64  (ABC/ITC/M&A Alexander)
Tales of the Riverbank (26, 15”)*  9/64  (BBC)
Zero One (39)  10/64  (BBC-MGM)

+The Astronut Show [Astronut/Hashimoto San/Luno; Sad Cat/James Hount] (24)* 8/65  (Terrytoons/Viacom)
+Batfink (20)* 4/66  (Hal Seeger/Screen Gems)
+Cyborg Big “X” (39)  9/65  (Mushi/Transglobal) 
+Dodo, The Kid From Outer Space (16)*  9/65  (Halas-Bachelor/Embassy)
Don Quixote (13)  German
+8th Man (52)  9/65  (TCJ/ABC Films)
+Gigantor (52) 1/66, 9/66  (TCJ/Trans-Lux)
The Informer (8) ????
+Jot the Dot (30 4” episodes)  9/65?  (SBRTC)
+The Mighty Mr. Titan (100 4” episodes) 9/65  (Trans-Lux)
+The New 3 Stooges  (32)*  9/65  (Cambria)
The Rat Catchers (13) 4/66 (ART/ITV/Global)
+Roger Ramjet (32)*  9/65  (Ken Snyder/Pantomime/CBS Films)
Seaway (30) 9/65  (ASP/CBC/ITC/ATV)
+Sinbad Jr. (26)* 9/65  (Sam Singer/AIP)
Soupy Sales Show (260) 3/66  (WNEW/Screen Gems)
+Stingray (39) 9/65  (Century 21/ITC/ATV)
+Winchell and Mahoney Time (305) 9/65, 9/66, 9/67  (Metromedia)

Gideon’s Way [Gideon CID] (26) 9/66  (ITC/ATV)
+Gumby (52)  11/66  (Clokey/NBC Films)
+Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero (32)*  3/67, 9/67  (Oriolo/7 Arts)
+Kimba The White Lion (52) 9/66, 9/67 (Mushi/NBC Films)
+Laurel and Hardy Cartoon (39)* 9/66  (Harmon-H-B/Worldvision)
+Marvel Super Heroes (65)* 9/66  (Grantray-Lawrence)
+Max, the 2000-Year-Old Mouse (24)* 9/66  (Krantz/Grantray-Lawrence)
My Name’s McGooley, What’s Yours? (50) 4/67 (ATN7)
+Prince Planet (52) 9/66  (TCJ/AIP)
+Rocket Robin Hood (52)* 10/66, 10/67, 10/68 (Krantz/World Wright)
Scarlett Hill (124) 9/66  (Taylor/CBC)
+Sinbad Jr. & His Flying Belt (26)*  9/66  (H-B/AIP)
Ultraman (67)  1/67, 1/68   (UA)
+Zoran, Space Boy (96) 1/67 (TCJ)

+Abbott & Costello Cartoon (39)* 9/67  (H-B/Worldvision)
+The Amazing 3 (52) 9/67  (Mushi/Erika Film)
+Little Joe (? )*  9/67  (Spangler)
+Marine Boy (78) 9/67, 9/68, 9/69  (Fujita/WB-7 Arts)
Prince Dinosaur (26) ?
+Skyers 5 (39) 9/67  (UA)
+Speed Racer (52) 9/67, 9/68  (Fujita/Trans-Lux)

The Adventures of the Seaspray (32) 9/68  (Screen Gems)
+Captain Scarlet & The Mysterons (39) 9/68?  (Century 21/ITC/ATV)
Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot (26) 10/68  (Mushi/MGM)
Lightspeed ESPer (26)  9/68  (Senkouska/NTV)
Pete Smith Specialties (52)* (Warner Bros.-7 Arts)
+Shadow Boy (71)*  (Toei/NTV)
SOS Frequency 17 (6)  Franco-London/ORTF)
+Space Ace (39)  (Tatsunoko/Rahintel)
+Thunderbirds (64) 9/68, 9/69 (half-hour format)  (Century 21/ITC/ATV)
+Yadamon (26) 9/68  (Fuji TV)

The Adventurers (39)  9/69  (Pacific/Supreme Sound/0-10 (Australia)
+Joe 90 (26) 9/69  (Anderson-Century 21/ITC/ATV)
+Judo Boy (26)  9/69  (Mushi)
Riptide (26)  9/69   (Artansa, AB-Pathe/Trans Pacific)
Skippy the Bush Kangaroo (91) 9/69  (Fauna-Norfolk/UA)
+Spider-Man (13) 3/70  (post-ABC)  (Krantz/Grantray-Lawrence)
Strange Paradise (195) 9/69  (Metromedia)
+Taro, Giant of the Jungle (39)  ?
+Winky Dink & Me (65) 9/69  9/70, 9/71, 9/72  (Screen Magic)

+The Amazing World of Hans Christian Andersen (52) 3/71  (Mushi)
Danny the Dragon (10) 9/70  (Ansus/ITC/ATV)
Doctor Who (779) 9/70, 9/72, 9/75, 9/76, 9/77/78, 9/79, 9/80, 9/81,
   9/82, 9/83, 9/84, 9/85, 9/86, 9/87, 9/88, 9/89  (BBC/Time-Life)
The Main Chance [13 of 45] 9/70  (Yorkshire/ITC/ATV)
+The Mouse Factory (40) 1/71, 9/71, 9/72  (Disney/Buena Vista)
The Space Giants (52) 9/70  (Mushi/Lakeside)

Department S [28] 9/71  (ITC/ATV)
Doctor in the House (78) 10/71  (London Weekend/Group W)
Doctor Simon Locke [Police Surgeon] (104) 9/71, 9/72, 9/73, 9/74   (Valjohn/Four Star/CTV)
Lassie (72) 9/71, 9/72, 9/73  (Wrather/Oglivy & Mather)
Monty Nash (31) 9/71  (Four Star/ABC Films)
Norman Corwin Presents (26)  9/71   (CBC/Group W)
Primus (26) 9/71  (Ivan Tors)
Story Theatre (26) 9/71  (Winters-Rosen)
The Trouble With Tracy (130) 9/71  (CTV/Rhodes)

The Adventurers (26)  9/72   (ITC/ATV) (UK)
Adventures in Rainbow County (26)  9/72  (Manitou/CBC/ABCTVF/ITV)
The Adventures of Black Beauty (26) 10/72   (LWT/Freemantle/ITV)
Callan [44] 9/72  (ABCW/Thames/ITV/Taffner)
Paul Bernard, Psychiatrist (130)  9/72  (Freemantle)
The Protectors (52) 10/72, 10/73  (ITC/ATV)
UFO [26] 10/72 (Century 21/ITC/ATV)
+Wait ‘Til Your Father Gets Home (48) 10/72, 10/73  (H-B/Rhodes)
Young Dr. Kildare (24) 9/72  (MGM)

Dusty’s Trail (26)  9/73  (Schwartz/Worldvision)
Elephant Boy (26) 9/73  (Portman/Scottish TV/Amalgamated Global TV)
The Evil Touch (26) 9/73  (Allied Artists)
Orson Welles’ Great Mysteries (26) 9/73  (Anglia/Fox)
Ozzie’s Girls (24) 9/73  (Filmways/Viacom)
The Starlost [18] 9/73  (Fox)
+The Wonderful World of Prof. Kitzel (24)*  9/72  (Culhane/Worldvision)

Death Valley Days (24) 9/74  (Les Walwork & Assoc.)
+Dipsy Doodle Show (24) 9/74  (SFM)
My Partner the Ghost [26] 9/74  (ITC/ATV)
Salty (24) 9/74  (Fox)

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein (130)  9/75  (CHCH)
+Jabberwocky (52+)  9/75  (WCVB)
+Kukla, Fran and Ollie (13)  (post-NBC, ABC, NET) 9/75  (NBC Films)
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (325) 1/76, 1/77  (T.A.T./Tandem)
+The Shari Show (26) 9/75  (Penthouse-Tarcher)
Space: 1999 [48] 9/75, 9/76  (Century 21/RAI/ITC/ATV)

All That Glitters (65)  4/77  (T.A.T./Tandem)
Forever Fernwood  (130) 10/77  (T.A.T./Tandem)
Fernwood 2Night (65) 7/77  (T.A.T./Tandem)
+The Muppet Show (120) 9/76, 9/77, 9/78, 9/89, 9/80  (Henson/ITC/ATV)
+The New Howdy Doody Show (130) 8/76  (Nicholson-Muir/Memorylane/Metromedia)
The New Mickey Mouse Club (190) 1/77  (Disney/SFM)
The Onedin Line [26]  9/76  (BBC)
Star Maidens (13) 9/76  (Portman-Teleworld/ITV)
Swiss Family Robinson (26) 9/76  (Trident-CTV/Freemantle)

America 2Night (65) 4/78  (T.A.T./Tandem)
The Clifford Avenue Kids (24) 9/77  (Premore)
King of Kensington (111) 9/77  (CBC/Gottlieb/Taffner)
The Next Step Beyond (26)  1/78  (Factor/Newland/Worldvision)
Unicorn Tales (24) 9/77  (PSS)

+Battle of the Planets (85) 9/78, 9/79 (Tatsumoko/Sandy Frank)
Benny Hill Show (65) 1/79  (Thames/Gottleib/Taffner)
High Hopes (60+) 9/78  (Y&R/DCA/CBC)
Please Stand By (26)  1/79  (Banner/Schlater/Viacom)

After Benny...Thames Presents [Frankie Howerd, Tommy Cooper] (65) 9/79  (Thames/Gottlieb/Taffner)
Against the Wind (13) 9/79 (7 Network/Taft-Woldvision)
The Baxters (25) 9/79  (Boston Broadcasters/T.A.T./Tandem)
Gigglesnort Hotel (26) 9/79  (WGN/Vipro)
Hee Haw Honeys (26) 9/79  (LBS)
The Life and Times of Eddie Roberts (65) 1/80  (Columbia)
The New Soupy Sales Show (65) 2/79  (KTLA/Air Time International)
Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected (48) 9/79, 9/80  (Anglia/ITV)
+Star Blazers (77) 9/79, 9/81, 9/83 (Claster-Sunwagon)
Tony the Pony (24) 9/79  (Premore)

Fawlty Towers (12) 10/80  (BBC)
+Force Five [Gaiking (44), Danguard Ace (56), Starvengers (39), Grandizer (73), Spaceketeers] (74)] 9/80 (Toei-Jim Terry)
Prisoner: Cell Block H (245) 9/80  (Grundy/Network 10/Firestone)
The Sullivans (about 200 of 1114) 9/80  (Crawford/T.A.T./Tandem/Embassy)  

+Barbapapa (55) 9/81  (LBS)
+Dr. Snuggles (13) 9/81  (LBS)
+Spider-Man (26)  9/81   (Toei-Marvel)

+Amigo & Friends [Cantinflas] (52) 9/82, 9/83)  (Televisa-H-B/Viacom)
The Littlest Hobo (114) 9/82   (Warren/CTV/?)  (6 seasons in Canada, ‘79-‘84)
Madame’s Place (75) 9/82  (Brad Lachman)
Romance Theatre (85) 9/82  (Courtship/Commworld)
Sport Billy (26)  9/82  (Filmation/Group W)

+Children’s Theatre (Family Circus) (?) 9/83  (LBS)???
Fame [98] (post-NBC) 9/83, 9/84, 9/85, 9/86  (MGM)
George and Mildred (38) 9/83  (Thames/D.L. Taffner)
+G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (95) 9/83, 9/84, 9/85  (Sunbow/Claster/DIC/Marvel)
+He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (130) 9/83, 9/84, 9/85  (Filmation/Group W)
+Inspector Gadget (86) 9/83, 9/84, 9/85  (Nelvana; DIC/TMS)
Keep It in the Family (31)  9/83  (Thames/D.L. Taffner)
+Lucky Luke (26)  9/83  (H-B/Gaumont)
Man About the House (40) 9/83  (Thames/D.L. Taffner)
Robin’s Nest  (48) 9/83  (Thames/D.L. Taffner)
+TerraHawks (39) 9/83, 9/84, 9/85 (Century 21/ITC/ATV)
Too Close for Comfort (42) 4/84, 9/84, 9/85 (post-ABC)  (Metromedia)

+Challenge of the Gobots (65) 9/84, 9/85 (H-B/TeleRep)
+Fantastic Four (26) 9/84, 9/85 (Genesis/Marvel)
+Fat Albert and His Cosby Kids (22) 9/84 (Filmation/Group W)
+The Get Along Gang (13)  9/84  (Claster/DIC/LBS)
+Heathcliff [Heathcliff/Cats and Company] (85) 9/84, 9/85  (Claster/DIC/LBS)
+Hugga Bunch (5) 9/85  (Halklmark/Filmfair)
+Rainbow Brite (13) 9/84, 9/85  (DIC/TMS)
Rituals (260) 9/84  (Metromedia/Telepictures)
+Robotech (85) 3/85  (Harmony Gold)
Tales From the Darkside (92) 9/84, 9/85, 9/86, 9/87  (Laurel/Jaygee/Tribune/LBS)
+Transformers (98) 9/84, 9/85, 9/86, 11/87  (Sunbow/Marvel)
+Voltron (120) 9/84, 9/85  (Toei/World Events) 

The Beachcombers (130) 9/85  (CBC/Blair)
+Bigfoot and the Muscle Machines (9) 10/85  (Sunbow/Marvel)
+Care Bears (11) 9/85  (LBS/DIC)
+Centurions (65) 4/86 (Ruby-Spears/Worldvision)
Dempsey and Makepeace [48] 9/85, 9/86   (London Weekend/Golden Eagle/Tribune)
+Galtar and the Golden Lance (21) 9/85  (H-B/Worldvision)
+Inhumanoids (15)  6/86  (Sunbow/Claster/Marvel/LBS)
It’s a Living (93) (post-ABC)  9/85, 9/86, 9/87, 9/88  (Witt-Thomas/Golden West/Lorimar/LBS)
+Jayce and The Wheeled Warriors (65) 9/85  (ICC/DIC/SFM)
+Jem (65) 10/85  (Sunbow/Marvel)
+The Jetsons (51) 9/85, 9/87  (H-B/Worldvision)
The Laurel and Hardy Show [26/90 min.]* 9/85  (Hal Roach)
+Macron 1 (65) 9/85  (Saban/Orbis)
+M.A.S.K. (85) 9/85  (ICC/DIC/LBS)
+Paw Paws (21) 9/85 (H-B/Worldvision)
+Robotix (15) 10/85  (Sunbow/Marvel)
Sectaurs (5) 9/85  (Ruby-Spears/Worldvision)
+She-Ra, Princess of Power (85) 9/85, 9/86, 9/87  (Filmation)
Small Wonder (98) 9/85, 9/86, 9/87, 9/88  (Metromedia/Fox)
Ted Knight Show (22) 4/86 (Metromedia)
+ThunderCats (130) 9/85, 9/86, 9/87, 9/88 (Rankin-Bass/Telepictures)
+Tranzor Z (65) 9/85  (Three B)
What’s Happening Now!! (66)  9/85, 9/86, 9/87
+Yogi’s Treasure Hunt (27) 9/85, 11/86 (H-B/Worldvision)

+The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin (65) 12/86 (DIC)
+The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (65) 9/86 (Transcom/ITF/Gaylord)
+Astro Boy (52) 7/87  (Nippon)
+The Bionic 6 (65) 4/87  (Tokyo Shinshara/MCA)
+Captain Harlock (65) 9/86  (Harmony Gold/Ziv)
Check it Out! (66) 1/86, 9/87, 9/88  (D.L. Taffner)
+Chuck Norris Karate Commandos (5) 9/86  (Ruby-Spears/Worldvision)
+The Comic Strip [The Mini-Monsters, Street Frogs, Karate Kat, TigerSharks] (65) 9/87 (Filmation)
+Defenders of the Earth (65) 9/86 (King Features/DePatie-Freleng)
+Dennis the Menace (78) 9/86, 9/87  (DIC/DFS)
+Ghost Busters (65) 9/86, 9/87 (Filmation)
+The Glo Friends (26) 9/86  (Sunbow/Marvel)
Hangin’ In (110) 9/86, 9/87  (CBC/Orbis)
Isabel Sanford’s Honeymoon Hotel (5) 1/87  (DeLaurentiis)
+Jonny Quest (13) 9/86  (H-B/Worldvision)
+Lady Lovely Locks and The Pixietails (20) 4/86  (DIC)
+Macron 1 (65) 9/86  (Saban)
Mama’s Family (95) 9/86, 9/97, 9/88, 9/89 (post-NBC)  (Joe Hamilton/Lorimar)
+Maple Town (10) 9/86 (pre-Nickelodeon)  (Saban/Orbis) 
+MoonDreamers (18) 9/86  (Sunbow/Marvel)
+My Little Pony (65) 9/86, 9/87   (Sunbow/Claster/DIC/Marvel)
The New Gidget (44) 9/86, 9/87 (Ackerman-Riskin/Colex)
9 to 5 (44) (post-ABC) 9/86, 9/87  (IPC/Fox)
One Big Family (22) 9/86  (Witt-Thomas-Harris/Lorimar/LBS)
Photon (26) 9/86  (DIC/SFM)
+Popples (44) 9/86  (DIC)
+The Potato Head Kids (23) 9/86  (Sunbow/Marvel)
+Rambo: The Force of Freedom (65) 9/86  (Ruby-Spears/Worldvision)
Shaka Zulu [10] 11/86  (South African Broadcasting Co./Harmony Gold/Gaylord)
+SilverHawks (65) 9/86  (Rankin-Bass/Lorimar)
+Silver Spoons (22) (post-NBC) 9/86  (Embassy)
+Sky Commanders (13) 7/87  (H-B/Worldvision)
Throb (48) 9/86, 9/87  (Proctor & Gamble/Taft-Worldvision)
True Confessions (200+) 9/86, 9/87  (Lansburg/King World)
+Ulysses 31 (26)  4/86 (DIC)
What a Country! (26) 9/86  (Viacom/Tribune)

+Beverly Hills Teens (65) 9/87  (DIC)
+BraveStarr (65) 9/87  (Filmation/Woirld Events)
Bustin’ Loose (22) 9/87  (MCA)
Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future (22) 9/87  (Landmark)
Charles in Charge (104) (post-CBS) 1/87, 12/87, 12/88, 12/89  (Scholastic/Universal)
D.C. Follies (72) 9/87, 1/88, 9/89  (Krofft/Syndicast)
+DinoSaucers (65) 9/87  (DIC/LBS)
Dom DeLuise Show (24)  9/87  (Garrison/Multimedia)
+DuckTales (100) 9/87, 11/88, 9/89, 9/90  (Disney)
Friday the 13th: The Series [72] 10/87, 9/88, 10/89  (Paramount)
Marblehead Manor (24) 9/87  (Paramount)
New Monkees (13) 9/87  (Straybert/Coca-Cola/Colex)
Out of This World (96) 9/87, 9/88, 9/89, 9/90  (MCA)
Punky Brewster (44) (post-NBC) 9/87, 4/88  (Columbia/Coca-Cola/LBS)
+The Real Ghostbusters (123)  9/87, 9/88, 9/99, 9/00  (DIC/Columbia/Coca-Cola)
+Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (52) 9/87, 8/88   (DIC/World Events)
Sea Hunt (22) 9/87  (MGM/UA)
Seeing Things [43] 9/87  (CBC/?)  
She’s the Sheriff (44) 9/87, 9/88  (Lorimar)
Snorks (42) (post-NBC) 9/87, 9/88  (H-B/Worldvision)
+Spiral Zone (65) 9/87  (Atlantic/Kushner-Locke/Maltese Companies)
+Starcom (13) 9/87  (DIC)
Star Trek: The Next Generation [178] 9/87, 11/88, 9/89, 9/90, 9/91, 9/92, 9/93 (Paramount)
+Sylvanian Families (13) 9/87  (DIC/Claster)
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80)  9/87, 9/88, 9/89, 9/90  (Fred Wolf)
The Twilight Zone (30) 9/87  (CBS Films)
+Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light (13) 9/87  (Sunbow-Marvel/Claster)
We Got it Made (22) 9/87 (post-NBC)  (Farr/Intermedia/MGM/UA)
Webster (44) (post-ABC) 9/87, 9/88   (Paramount)
You Can’t Take It With You (22) 9/87  (Proctor & Gamble/LBS)

+C.O.P.S. (65) 10/88  (Crawley’s/D.I.C.)
+Denver the Last Dinosaur (50) 9/88  (World Events/Calico)
+DinoRiders (14) 10/88  (Marvel)
+Fantastic Max (26) 9/88, 9/89 (H-B/Worldvision, Booker/Tanaka)
Freddy’s Nightmares [44] 9/88, 9/89  (Satone/New Line/Lorimar)
+The Further Adventures of SuperTed (13) 1/89  (H-B/Worldvision)
+Gumby Adventures (33)* 9/88  (Clokey/Lorimar)
Learning the Ropes (26) 9/88   (Cineplex Odeon/CTV)
+Mario Bros. Super Show [Super Mario Bros./Legend of Zelda] (65) 9/88 (DIC/Saban)
Monsters (72) 10/88, 10/89, 9/90    (Laurel/Tribune)
The Munsters Today (72) 10/88, 9/89, 9/90  (Arthur/MCA)
My Secret Identity (72) 10/88, 9/89, 9/90  (Scholastic/Sunrise/CTV/MCA)
+The New Yogi Bear Show (15)* 9/88  (H-B/Worldvision)
+Police Academy (65) 9/88, 9/89  (Ruby-Spears/Worldvision)
+Ring Raiders (5) 9/88  (DIC)
+RoboCop (12)  10/88  (Orion/Marvel)
Starting From Scratch (24) 9/88, 9/89  (Worldvision)
The Street (65) 4/88  (Newark/MCA)
Superboy  (78) 9/88, 9/89, 9/90  (Cantharus/Lowry/Viacom)
T & T (44) 9/88. 9/89 (pre-Family Channel)  (Nelvana/Tribune)
The Twilight Zone (30)  (post-CBS) 9/88  (Alliance Atlantis/London Film/MGM/CBS)
War of the Worlds [48] 10/88, 10/89  (Hometown/Triumph/Paramount/CBS)

+Chip ‘n’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers (65) 9/89 (Disney/Buena Vista)
+The Further Adventures of SuperTed (13) 9/89 (SR65-Siroi/H-B/Worldvision)
+G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (44) 9/89, 9/90  (Sunbow-DIC/Claster)
+Maxie’s World (16)* 9/89 (DIC/Claster-Saban)
+McGee and Me (13) 9/89 (Focus on Family/Living Bibles/Tyndale)
The New Lassie (48) 9/89, 9/90  (Al Burton/Palladium/MCA)
+Paddington Bear (13) 12/89  (Central/H-B/Worldvision)
The Saint [Mystery Wheel of Adventure] [6]  1/90  (Celtic/LWT/Taffner)
+Vytor: The Starfire Champion (4) 9/89  (Dinosaur/World Events)

+The Adventures of Don Coyote & Sancho Panza (26) 9/90, 9/91  (H-B-RAI Italiana/Worldvision)
+Adventures of the Gummi Bears (17)  9/90 (post-NBC/ABC)  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+Barnyard Commandos (4) 9/90  (Fred Wolf)
Dracula: The Series (26) 9/90, 9/91 (Cinexus/Famous Players/Homescreen/RHI/Blair)
Harry and the Hendersons (72) 1/91, 9/91, 9/92  (Amblin/Universal)
+Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone (13) 9/90 (H-B/Sleepy Kids/Worldvision)
Mom, P.I. [26] 9/91, 9/92  (Atlantis/CBC)
My Talk Show (59) 9/90  (Second City/Imagine/MCA)
Neon Rider [64] 10/90, 9/91, 9/92  (seasons 2 & 3 Canada only)
The New Adam-12 (52) 10/90  (Arthur/Universal)
+The New Adventures of He-Man (65) 9/90  (Jetlag)
The New Dragnet (52)  10/90  (Arthur/Universal)
+Pirates of Dark Water (13) 2/91 (pre-ABC) 11/92 (post-ABC) (H-B/Worldvision)
Shades of L.A. [20] 10/90  (Papizian-Hirsch)
She-Wolf of London/Love and Curses [20] 9/90  (Finnegan/Pinchuk/Harlech/MCA)
Super Force [52] 9/90, 9/91  (Premiere/Viacom)
+TaleSpin (65) 9/90 (Disney/Buena Vista)
They Came from Outer Space [20] 10/90  (Finnegan/Pinchuk/MCA)
+Tiny Toon Adventures (88) (pre-Fox) 9/90, 9/91  (Amblin/WB)
21 Jump Street [22] (post-Fox) 10/90, 10/91  (Cannell/Fox)
+Video Power [Power Team/Max Force/Kuros/Kwirk/Bigfoot] (83) 9/90  (Acclaim/Saban)
+Wake, Rattle and Roll [Monster Tails/Fender Bender 500/Undercover Elephant/Dino Mouse] (26) 9/90 (H-B/Worldvision)
What a Dummy (24) 9/90  (MCA)
+Widget (65) 9/90. 9/91 (Calico/Zodiac)

+Adventures of the Little Mermaid (65) 9/91 (Fuji/Saban)
Baywatch [173] (post-NBC) 9/91, 8/92, 9/93, 9/94, 10/95, 9/96, 9/97, 9/98 (GTG/All-American/Tower 12/Pearson)
+Bucky O’Hare & the Toad Wars (13) 9/91 (Sunbow/Marvel)
Dangerous Women [52] 8/91  (Pinelands/Reg Grundy/ITV)
+Darkwing Duck (65) 9/91, 9/92 (pe-ABC)  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+James Bond Jr. (65) 9/91 (Fred Wolf/UA)
Lightning Force (24) 10/91  (Crescent/Viacom)
+Mr. Bogus (43) 9/91 (Zodiac/Calico)
(The New) WKRP in Cincinnati (44) 9/91, 9/92 (MTM)
+Samurai Pizza Cats (52) 9/91  (Tatsunoko/Saban)
Street Justice [44] 9/91, 9/92  (Cannell)
Swan’s Crossing (65) 9/91  (Heliosphere/Newflier/Sachs)
Tarzan (75) 9/91, 9/97, 9/98  (Balenciaga/Dune/TFI/Telemax/UNIC/Cooke)
+Young Robin Hood (26) 9/91 (CIL/H-B/TPS)

+The Adventures of T-Rex (52) 9/92 (KittyGunther-Wahl)
+Around the World in Eighty Dreams (26) 9/92  (Saban)
+Camp Candy (13) (post-NBC) 9/92  (DIC/Saban/Worldvision)
Catwalk [48]  10/92, 9/93  (Franklin-Waterman/Claster)
Chillers [12] 9/92?  (ITV)
+Conan the Adventurer (65) (Graz/Sunbow) 
+Goof Troop (65) (pre-ABC) 9/92  (Disney)
+Gulliver’s Travels (26)  (Saban)
Highlander: The Series [119] 9/92, 9/93, 9/94, 9/95, 9/96, 9/97  (Davis-Panzer/Filmline/Gaumont/Rysher)
+King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table (65) 9/92, 9/93 (Bohbot)
Renegade [110] (pre-USA) 9/92, 9/93, 9/94, 9/95  (Stephen J. Cannell/C & D)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [178] 1/93, 9/93, 9/94, 9/95, 9/96, 9/97, 9/98  (Paramount/CBS)
+Stunt Dawgs (40) 9/92 (DIC)
The Untouchables [44] 1/93, 10/93  (Paramount/CBS)

Acapulco H.E.A.T. [48] 9/93  (Balenciaga/Triangle/M6/All-American)   
+Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (65) 9/93 (DIC)
Babylon-5 [110] 1/94  (Babylonian/Synthetic Worlds/WB)
+Biker Mice From Mars (65) 9/93, 9/94, 9/95  (Marvel/New World)
+Bonkers (65) 9/93 (Disney/Buena Vista)
+The Bots Master (40) 9/93 (Saban)
Cobra [22] 9/93  (Cannell)
+Double Dragon (26) 9/93 (Bohbot, DIC)
+Exosquad (42) 9/93  (Sunrise/Universal)
+Hurricanes (65) 9/93 (DIC)
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues [88] 9/93, 9/94, 9/95, 9/96  (WB)
+Mighty Max (40) 9/93  (Canal/Film Roman)
+The New Adventures of Speed Racer (13) 9/93  (Fred Wolf)
+The Pink Panther (60) 9/93, 9/94  (MGM/UA)
+Pirates of Dark Water (8) (post-Fox, ABC) 9/93  (H-B/TPS)
RoboCop: The Series [22] 3/94  (Skyvision/Rysher)
+Stone Protectors (13) 9/93  (Graz/Hanho)
Thunder in Paradise [22] 3/94  (Berk/Schwartz/Bonann/Rysher/Lionsgate)
Time Trax [44] 9/93, 9/94  (Warner Bros.)
+Twinkle the Dream Being (26) 9/93)  (MBC/CITITV)
Valley of the Dolls (65) 4/93  (Take a Meeting/New World)
White Fang (32) 9/93, 9/94 (Alliance Atlantis)

+Aladdin (65)  (post Disney Channel, pre-CBS) 9/84  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+The Baby Huey Show [Baby Huey/Herman & Katnip]  (26) 9/94  (Harvey/Film Roman)
Bandit [4 120 min.] 1/94  (Universal)
+BattleTech: The Animated Series (13) 9/94  (Saban)
Boogie’s Diner (13) 9/94 (MTM)
+Creepy Crawlers (23) 9/94, 9/95  (Saban)
+Fantastic Four (26) 9/94, 9/95  (Marvel)
+Gargoyles (78) 10/94, 9/95, 9/96  (Disney/Buena Vista)
Hawkeye [22] 9/94  (Cannell)
Heaven Help Us [13]  8/94  (Echo Cove/Spelling)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys [111] 9/94, 9/95, 9/96, 9/97, 9/98, 9/99  (Renaissance/Universal)
High Tide [66] 9/94, 9/95, 9/96 (Franklin-Waterman/Seagull)
+Iron Man (26) 9/94  (Marvel)
Lonesome Dove: The Series [22] 9/94  (Telegenic/RHI/Rysher)
+Mega Man (27) 9/94  (Ruby-Spears/TPS)
Midnight Run [3 120 min.] 2/94  (Universal)
+Mutant League (40) 9/94 (Franklin/Waterman)
+Oscar’s Orchestra (39) 9/94, 9/95, 9/96  (Tony Collingwood)
+Phantom 2040 (35) 9/94  (Hearst/France 3)
Pointman [22] 1/94  (Friedgen/PTEN)
Robin’s Hoods [22] 8/94  (Spelling/Worldvision)
+Ronin Warriors (39)  9/94 (Sunrise)
+Schnookums & Meat Cartoon Show [Schnookums & Meat, Pith Possum,
Tex Tinstar (13)* 1/95  (Disney/Buena Vista)
Sirens [22] (post-ABC) 9/94, 9/95   (Telescene)
Space Precinct [22] 10/94  (Century 21/Grove/Mentorn)
+StreetSharks (40) 9/94, 9/95 (pre-ABC)  (Bohbot, DIC)
+Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (53)  (Tsuburyaya/Ultracom/DIC)
Sweet Valley High (88) 9/94, 9/95  (Teen Dream/Saban)
University Hospital [22] 1/95  (Spelling/Worldvision)
Vanishing Son [13] 1/95  (Cohen-deLaurentiis/Segall/MCA)
VR Troopers (92) 9/94, 9/95  (Saban/Toei)

+Action Boy (26) 9/95  (Bohbot/DIC)
+Adventures of Oliver Twist (52) 2/96 (Saban)
+Bananas in Pajamas (26) 9/95, 9/96 (Austalian Broadcasting/Sachs Family)
Baywatch Nights [44] 9/95  (Tower 12/Tower 18/All-American/Pearson)
+DarkStalkers (13) 9/95 (Graz/Capcom)
Flipper: The New Adventures [88] 10/95, 10/96, 9/97, 8/98  (Samuel Goldwyn/
  Tribune/Universal/Village Roadshow)
Forever Knight [22]  (post-CBS, pre-USA) 9/95  (Paragon/Trei-Star/Tele-Munchen)
+Gadget Boy & Heather (52) 9/95, 9/96   (DIC)
+G.I. Joe: Extreme (26) 9/95, 9/96  (Graz/Sunbow)
+Happy Ness: The Secret of the Loch (13) 9/95  (Active)
The Hardy Boys (22) 9/95  (Marathon/Nelvana/Westcom/France 2)
+Highlander: The Animated Series (27) 9/95  (post-USA)  (Gaumont)
Land’s End [22] 9/95  (Fred Dryer/Rigel/Skyvision/Buena Vista)
+The Lion King’s Timon and Poomba (50) 9/95, 9/96 (pre and post-CBS)  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+The Littlest Pet Shop (40) 9/95  (Sunbow)
Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years [22] 9/95  (Telegenic/RHI/Rysher)
Night Stand with Dick Dietrick (48) 9/95, 9/96  (RC/Big Ticket)
One West Waikiki [22] 10/95 (post-CBS)  (Larson/Rysher)
Out of the Blue (22) 9/95  (Riddle-Burton/Tribune)
Nancy Drew (22) 9/95  (Marathon/Nelvana/Westcom/France 2)
+Princess Gwenevere & the Jewel Riders (26) 9/95  (Bohbot)
+Sailor Moon (82) 9/95  (DIC)
+Skysurfer Strike Force (26) 9/95 (Ruby-Spears/TPS) 
+Tenko & the Guardians of the Magic (13)  9/95  (Saban)
Xena, Warrior Princess [134]  9/95, 9/96, 9/97, 9/98, 9/99, 9/00  (Renaissance/Universal)

Adventures of Sinbad [42]  9/96,  9/97  (All-American/Alliance Atlantis/Canwest)
+All Dogs Go to Heaven (40)  (pre-Fox Family) 9/96  (MGM)
+Beast Wars: Transformers (52) 9/96 (Alliance Atlantis/Claster)
+Bruno the Kid (36) 9/96  (Active/Film Roman)
The Cape [22] 9/96  (MTM)
+Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys (26) 9/96 (Hallmark/Bohbot)
+Cave Kids (8) 9/96  (H-B/WBTS)
+Dragon Ball Z (53) 9/96  (Saban)
+Dragon Flyz (28) 9/96  (Gaumont/Columbia/Tri-Star)
+Eagle Riders (65) 9/96  (Saban)
+Flash Gordon (26) 9/96  (Hearst/Carrere)
FX: The Series [39] 9/96, 9/97  (Hallmark/Fireworks/Rysher/CTV)
+The Mask: The Animated Series (30) (post & pre-CBS) 9/96  (Dark Horse/Sunbow/New Line/Bohbot)
+Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series (13) (post-ABC) 1/97  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+Pocket Dragon Adventures (52) 9/96  (Bohbert/DIC)
Psi-Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal [88] 9/96, 9/97, 9/98, 9/99  (First/Alliance Atlantis/CanWest)
+Quack Pack (39) 9/96  (Disney/Buena Vista)
+Richie Rich (13) 9/96  (Film Roman/Harveytoons)
+Samauri Pizza Cats (52) 9/96  (Saban)
+Sky Dancers (26) 9/96  (Gaumont/Abrams-Gentile)
Tarzan: The Epic Adventures [22] 8/96  (Keller-Siegel)
Two [24] 9/96  (Two/Telegenic/New World)
Viper [66] (post-NBC) 9/96, 9/97, 9/98   (MEC Viper/Pet Fly/Paramount)
+Vor-Tech: Undercover Conversion Squad (13) 10/96  (Mediatoon/Universal)
+The Why Why Family (26) 9/96  (Saban)

Bananas in Pajamas & The Crayon Box (26) 9/97 (Chiodo/Sunbow/Random House/Polygram)
Cold Squad [98] 9/06, 9/07, 9/08, 9/09, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/13 (CTV)
Conan: The Adventurer [22] 9/97  (Nbalengica/Keller)
Due South [26] (post-CBS) 9/97, 9/98  (Alliance Atlantis/CTV/BBC)
Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict  [110] 10/97, 10/98, 10/99, 10/00, 10/01  (Alliance Atlantis/Roddenberry-Kirshner)
+Extreme Dinosaurs (52) 9/97  (Bohbot/DIC)
+Extreme Ghostbusters (52) 9/97  (Columbia-Tri-Star/Bohbot)
Fame L.A. [22] 9/97  (Trilogy/MGM)
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids [66] 9/97, 9/98, 9/99  (Disney/Buena Vista)
Mike Hammer, Private Eye [26] 9/97   (Franklin-Waterman/Brillsatein/Kushner-Locke)
+Mr. Men Show (39) 9/97, 9/98  (Breakthrough/Summit)
+Mummies Alive! (42) Northern Lights/DIC)
+The New Adventures of Zorro (26) 9/97, 9/98  (Zorro/Fred Wolf/WB)
NightMan [44] 9/97, 9/98  (Fireworks/Malibu/Tribune/CanWest)
Pensacola: Wings of Gold [66]  9/97, 9/98, 9/99  (Dauphine/Stu Segall/King World)
+101 Dalmatians (65) 9/97  (Disney/Buena Vista)
Police Academy: The Series (26) 9/97  (Goodman-Rosen/Malansky/Warner Bros.)
Soldier of Fortune, Inc. [37] 9/97, 9/98  (Bruckheimer/SOF/Rysher)
Student Bodies (65) 9/97, 9/98, 9/99  (Sunbow/Telescene/20th TV)
Team Knight Rider [22] 10/97   (Copp-Goodman/Pacific Bay/MCA)
+Van-Pires (13) 9/97  (Abrams-Gentile/HMS)
+The Wacky World of Tex Avery [Tex Avery, Pompei Pete, Einstone, Genghis &  Khannie, Freddy the Fly, Maurice & Mooch, Poer Pooch] (65)*  9/97 (DIC)

Air America [23] 9/98  (Franklin-Waterman/Santa Ventura/Pearson/Fremantle)
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven [22] 9/98  (Crescent/Image/CHUM/.Alliance Atlantis)
Hercules (65) 8/98  (Disney/Buena Vista)
Highlander: The Raven [22] 9/98  (Davis-Panzer/Fireworks/Gaumont/CHUM)/Rysher
+Jumanji (13) 9/98 (post-UPN)  (Interscope-Columbia TriStar/Bohbot)
+The Lionhearts (13) 9/98  (Claster/MGM)
Malibu, CA (52) 10/98, 10/99  (Peter Engel/NBC)
+Monkey Magic (13) (B-Factory/Enoki)
Mortal Kombat: Conquest [22] 10/98  (Threshold/New Line/WB)
The New Adventures of Robin Hood [52] 9/98, 9/99 (post-TNT) (Weintraub-Kuhn/RTL/WB)
+Pokemon (82) 9/98 (pre-WB) (Pokemon Co.)
+RoboCop: Alpha Commander (40) 9/98  (MGM/Orion)
+Sonic Underground (40) 1/99 (DIC)
V.I.P. [88]  9/98, 9/99, 10/00, 9/01  (Lawton/Global/Columbia/TrStar)
+Voltron: The Third Dimension (26) 9/98  (World Events/Summit)
Young Hercules (50) 9/98  (Renaissance/MCA)

Battle Dome (30) 9/99, 9/00 (Columbia/Tri-Star)
Baywatch: Hawaii [44] 9/99, 9/00  (GTG/All-American/Tower 12/Pearson)
Beastmaster [66]  10/99, 10/00, 10/01  (Coote-Hayes/Tribune/Alliance Atlantis)
Cleopatra 2525 [28] 1/00, 10/00  (Renaissance/Studios USA)
The Dream Team [5]  9/99  (Bates/BKN)  
Jack of All Trades [22] 1/00, 10/00  (Renaissance/Studios USA)
Peter Benchley’s Amazon [22] 9/99 (Alliance Atlantis/King World)
+Monster Rancher (26) 8/99  (BKN)
Relic Hunter [66] 0/00, 9/00, 9/01  (Fireworks/Gaumont/Tandem/Rysher)
+Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends (40) 8/99  (BKN)
+Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles (40) (Columbia-Tri-Star/Bohbot)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World [66] 10/99, 10/00, 10/01  (Coote-Hayes/St. Clare/Telescene)

Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda [110] 10/00, 10/01, 9/02, 9/03 (pre-Sci-Fi)  (BLT/MBR/Fireworks/Tribune/Global)
The Immortal [22] 10/00  (Hilltop/Studio 8/Peace Arch/Creative Arts)
Queen of Swords [22] 10/00  (Mercury/Fireworks/M6/CanWest)
Sheena [35] 10/00, 10/01  (Schwartz-Sears/Columbia/Tri-Star)
Starhunter [22] 9/00  (Talisman/Greystone/Danforth/Alliance Atlantis)

Mutant X [66] 10/01, 10/02, 9/03  (Fireworks/Marvel/Tribune/CanWest)
Tama & Friends (29) 9/01  (Group TAC/4Kids Entertainment)
Tracker [22] 10/01  (Carnival/Lionsgate/Tandem/Mercury)

Adventure, Inc. [22] 10/02  (UAC/Bright/GTV/Fireworks/Tribune)
John Woo’s Once a Thief [22] 10/02  (A-Pix/WCG/Alliance Atlantic/CanWest Global)
+Poochini (26) 9/02  (WildBrain/King World/Television Syndicatio)
She Spies [20] 9/02 (post-NBC)  (Reno-Osborne/Tower 18/MGM)

+Sabrina’s Secret Life (26) 9/03  (Archie/DIC)
Starhunter 2300 [22] 9/03  (Talisman/Greystone/Danforth/Alliance Atlantis)

Da Vinci’s Inquest [91]/Da Vinci’s City Hall [13] 9/05, 9/06, 9/07, 9/08, 9/09, 9/10, 9/11 (Alliance Atlantis/CBC/PPI)
Stone Undercover [Tom Stone] [26] 9/06  (SEVEN24/PPI/Sony)
+Trollz (27) 10/05 (DIC)

Cold Squad [98]  9/06 (Keatley-McLeod/Alliance Atlantis/PPI)
Tyler Perry’s House of Payne (10) 9/06 (pre-TBS/BET)  (Tyler Perry)

Heartland [259+] 9/07. 9/08, 9/09, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15, 9/16, 9/17, 9/18/9/19/9/20, 9/21. 9/22, 9/23 (Bell-New Media/Entertainment Pone/CBC)
ReGenesis [52] 9/06, 9/07  (Shaftesberry/Global/Genesis)

Legend of the Seeker [44] 11/08, 11/09  (Renaissance/Paperboy/ABC Studios/Tribune)
Murdoch Mysteries [287+] 9/09, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15,   9/16, 9/17, 9/`8, 9/19, 9/20. 9/21, 9/22, 9/23+  (Shaftesbury/ITV/Global/Genesis)
Nite Tales: The Series [7]  9/09

+Totally Tooned In [Screen Gems/The Fox & The Crow/Mr. Magoo/Gerald McBoing Boing/UPA] (65)* 1/11  (Associated Studio/Columbia Tristar)  (aired worldwide ‘99-‘00)

The First Family (36) 9/12  (Entertainment/Debmar-Mercury)

Mr. Box Office (36) 9/13, 9/14  (Entertainment/Debmar-Mercury)
The Pinkertons [22] 7/14  (Rosetta-Rohr’s) 
The Republic of Doyle [77] 9/13, 9/14  (Take the Shot/Foreworks/CBC)
SAF 3 [20] 9/14  (Emmett-Furia/Tower 18)

Schitt’s Creek (80) 9/18  (CBC/Pop Media/Debmar-Mercury/Lionsgate)

That's All Folks!

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